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Twist with Sam Gospel Version DVD

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Twist with Sam Gospel Version DVD

The Gospel edition of Twist with Sam is a fun, cool and interactive balloon instructional Video. On this DVD you will learn simple twist and techniques to create interesting Bible stories. The Cross, Heart, Sword, and Flower are used many times as props to illustrate a bible story as well as to talk about verses. This is a highly recommend DVD for any Gospel Twister. Sam teaches his routines for a Cross with two hearts, and 5 Petals of God's Flower. He tells the stories of David, Christ's Birth, Jonah, Shorty on a tree, and The Armor Of God. The armor routine dresses the child in helmet, shield, breastplate, belt, sword, and shoes. Most of the balloons Sam uses is the 260Q Jewel Tones, and Red, White, and Pink 6 inch Hearts. Running Time Approximately 60 minutes

Item number: 565002

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