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Gospel Money Small

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Gospel Money Small

Use as a giveaway at parades and other events. The bills are great if you are dealing with someone on a "one-to-one" basis. You can also add them to the tip at the restaurants as a witnessing tool. Close to the size of regular money (2 3/4” X 6 1/4”). (Package of 250) Jumbo Size This is a perfect gift to give to your spectator for assistance. Great for camp workers. Fold the bill in quarters before your program. When you have your assistant up to help you, you can dismiss them with a quote everybody who helps me, I pay with big money. This gets a good laugh. The children will all want to come up and help to get one of the Big Bucks. After the show you can give away a few of the small bills. Actual size is 5 1/2" x 12 3/4".

Item number:901617

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